Neue sicherheitspolitischte Herausforderungen
Autorinnen: Rebecca Rapp, Mona Rouhandeh und Lea Schön
Baumstieger, Moritz 2019: Der Führer ist tot, der IS lebt: Anders als Osama bin Laden hat Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi seine Anhänger nie durch Charisma fasziniert. Sein Führungsanspruch leitete sich aus der Idee vom Kalifat ab. Die Anziehungskraft dieser Idee wird bleiben, in:; 05.06.2020.
Byman, Daniel 2016: Understanding the Islamic State: A Review Essay, in: International Security, 40:4,.127–165.
Chatterjee, Debangana 2016: Gendering ISIS and Mapping the Role of Women, in: Contemporary Review of the Middle East 3:2, 201–218.
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) 2019: Interview with Aleksandra Drier, in:, 05.06.2020
CTED United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (2019): Gender Dimensions of the response to returning foreign fighters: Research Perspectives, in:; 05.06.2020.
Daase, Christopher/Spencer, Alexander 2017: Terrorismus, in: Wilhelm, Alexander/Masala,Carlo (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Internationalen Politik, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 403-425.
De Leede, Seran 2018: Women in Jihad: A Historical Perspective, in: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.
Gehlen, Martin 2020: Der Terror kehrt zurück: Im Schatten der Corona-Pandemie gewinnt der IS im Irak und in Syrien wieder an Stärke. Die Terrormiliz könnte noch gefährlicher werden als vorher, warnen Experten, in:; 05.06.2020.
Field, Anthony 2009: The New Terrorism: Revolution or Evolution?, in Political Studies Review;7:2, 195-207.
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Gielen, Amy-Jane 2018: Exit Programmes for Female Jihadists: A proposal for Conducting Realistic Evaluation of the Dutch Approach, in: International Sociology 33 (4), 454–72.
Gerges, Fawaz A. 2016: ISIS: A History, Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Jacoby, Tami Amanda 2015: Jihadi brides at the Intersections of Contemporary Feminism, in: New Political Science: Intersectionality for the Global Age 37:4, 525-542.
Jackson, Richard 2007: The Core Commitments of Critical Terrorism Studies, in: European Political Science, 244-251.
Jacques Karen/Taylor, Paul J. 2013: Myths and Realities of Female-Perpetrated terrorism, in: Law Hum Behav, 37:1, 35‐44.
Troy, Jodok 2019: The containment of the Islamic State: A realist case to engage a hybrid actor, in: Contemporary Security Policy.
Khalil, Lydia 2019: Behind the Veil: Women in Jihad after the Caliphate (Lowy Institute for International Policy), in:; 05.06.2020.
Khelghat-Doost, Hamoon 2017: Women of the Caliphate: The Mechanism for Women’s Incorporation into the Islamic State (IS), in: Perspectives on Terrorism, 11:1, 17–25.
Kneip, Katharina 2016: Female Jihad: Women in the ISIS, in: Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science, 29, 88-106.
Lahoud, Nelly 2018: Empowerment or Subjugations: An Analysis of ISIL’s Gender Messaging, in:; 05.06.2020.
Makanda, Joseph: 2019: The Jihad Feminist Dynamics of Terrorism and Subordination of Women in the ISIS, in: Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies 8:2,135–159.
Meier, Christian 2017: Nicht das Ende des Terrors: Mossul ist befreit, bald wird das „Kalifat“ nicht mehr existieren. Aber der IS wird weitermorden, in:; 05.06.2020.
Ponder, Sarah/Matusitz, Jonathan 2017: Examining ISIS Online Recruitment through Relational Development Theory, in: Connections, 16:4, 35–50.
Ozeren, Suleyman/Hekim, Hakan/Elmas, M. Salih/Canbegi, Halil Ibrahim 2018: An Analysis of ISIS Propaganda and Recruitment Activities Targeting the Turkish-Speaking Population, in: International Annals of Criminology, 56:1-2, 105–21.
Ramsay, Gilbert 2015: Why terrorism can, but should not be defined: Critical Studies on Terrorism, 8:2, 211-228.
Saikal, Amin 2016: Women and Jihad: Combating Violent Extremism and Developing New Approaches to Conflict Resolution in the Greater Middle East, in: Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 36:3, 313–22.
Saltman, Erin Marie/Smith, Melanie 2015: Till Martyrdom Do Us Part: Gender and the ISIS Phenomenon (Institute for Strategic Dialogue), in: , 05.06.2020.
Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, in:; 05.06.2020.
Shorer, Marina 2018: Mobilization of Women to Terrorism: Tools and Methods of ISIS, in: International Annals of Criminology, 56:1-2), 93–104.
Schulze Wessel, Martin 2009: Terrorismusstudien: Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung eines Forschungsfelds, in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 35:3, 357–367.
Soufan Centre 2019: White Supremacy Extremism: The Transnational Rise of the Violent White Supremacist Movement, in; 05.06.2020.
Spencer, Amanda N. 2016: The Hidden Face of Terrorism: An Analysis of the Women in Islamic State, in: Journal of e Strategic Security, 9:3, 74–98.
Stern, Jessica/ Berger, J.M. 2015: Isis: the State of Terror, London: William Collins.
Von Knop, Katharina 2007: The Female Jihad: Al Qaeda’s Women, in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 30:5, 397–414.
Weggemans, Daan/de Bont, Roel/Peters, Ruud/Bakker, Edwin 2017: Life at ISIS: The Roles of Western Men, Women and Children, in: Security and Global Affairs. 1. 3-17.
Winter, Charlie 2018: ISIS, Women and Jihad: Breaking With Convention (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change), in:, 05.06.2020.
Winter, Charlie 2015: Women of the Islamic State a manifesto on women by the Al-Khanssaa Brigad (Quilliam Foundation), in:; 25.05.2020.
Yesevi, Cagla Gul. 2014: Female terrorism, in: European Scientific Journal, 10:14, 579.